The conference was attended by 130 participants. During the Conference, 50 oral and 52 poster presentations were presented.
Conference organizers:
- Ioffe Institute (Laboratory for Physics of Thermoelements)
- Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Methods of Direct Energy Conversion”
- Interregional Innovative Development Center “INNO-MIR”.
Conference organizers thank sponsors for their help in organizing the conference:
ECOGEN Technology,
Interactive Corporation,
LabInstruments – Linseis.
The young scientist section was held within the Conference. Scientists from universities, students and postgraduate students specializing in the problems of the thermoelectric energy conversion presented 17 oral and 23 poster reports. The best presentations by young investigators were given special awards.
The best oral presentations:
1. A.N. Filanovich, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg.
2. Maxim Grauer, Institur für Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Materialwissenschaft, Leipzig, Germany.
3. O.V. Merkulov, Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ekaterinburg.
3. M.Yu. Shtern, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), Moscow.
The best poster presentations:
- M.N. Yapryntsev, “Belgorod State University”, Belgorod.
- M.V. Voronov, Federal State Research and Develpment Institute of Rare Metal Industry (“Giredmet”), Moscow.
- E.V. Chernyshova, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow.
The Conference proceedings will be published in Journal of Semiconductors in 2021 and 2022.
XVII Interstate Conference “Thermoelectrics and their Applications 2021” (ISCTA 2021)
Dear colleagues, participants, partners, sponsors and guests of the XVII Interstate Conference on Thermoelectrics and their Applications, the conference was originally scheduled on May 25 to 28, 2020 in Saint Petersburg, but was postponed to 2021 in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 virus pandemic. Although the situation with Covid is still uncertain, the beginning of mass vaccination and generally positive trend give a hope that the situation will be sufficiently good at summer-autumn of 2021. Basing on our recent opinion poll among potential ISCTA participants we set the conference date on September 13 to 16, 2021. ISCTA2021 will the follow-up event of ICT/ECT2021 in Krakow, which is scheduled on Septermber 5-8. The Conferences will not overlap, however will be close in time. This may help to non-European colleagues to participate in both Conferences and minimize travel cost.
The Conference is the 17th in the series of Interstate conferences on Thermoelectrics and their Applications that provides an international forum for presentations and information exchange on the thermoelectric materials science and thermoelectric energy conversion technology.
This biannual conference series began in 1985 in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia as a forum of thermoelectric community of the Soviet Union. Now the Conference provides the meeting place for scientists from around the world.
The conference will cover modern aspects of thermoelectric technology. Oral presentations and poster sessions will give the opportunity for informal discussions.
The best presentations by young investigators will be given a special award.
Looking forward to meet you in Saint Petersburg!