Programm Committee

1. D.A. Pshenay-Severin Chairman, Ioffe Institute, SPbPU, St.Petersburg, Russia
2. V.M. Grabov Deputy chairman, Herzen University, St.Petersburg, Russia
3. S.V. Novikov Сhairman of the Young Scientist Section, Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
4. V.A. Kulbachinskii Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Moscow, Russia
5. Z. Dashevsky Russia
6. Kanishka Biswas Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Jakkur, Bangalore, India
7. Lidong Chen Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Shanghai, China
9. Yanzhong Pei Tongji University, Shanghai, China
9. Xinfeng Tang Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China